Solved – How to generate user-friendly summaries of cluster analysis

clusteringdata visualizationteaching

I used BIRCH and HAC to do clustering on my data.

I want to now what type of information I can include in reports that my users can generate to get more insights on the clusters. I would have to dumb down the statistical terms and represent them as much as possible visually in these reports for my users.

Best Answer

I like a 2D plot that shows the clusters and the actual data points so readers can get an idea of the quality of the clustering. If there are more than two factors, you can put the principle components on the axes, as in my example:

JMP K-Means 2D Cluster Report

The equivalent 3D plots are only good if the viewer can interact with it get a sense of depth and obscured pieces. Here's a 3D example with the same data.

JMP K-Means 3D Cluster Report