Solved – How to generate a sparse inverse covariance matrix for sampling multivariate Gaussian vectors

covariancenormal distribution

I need to generate a sparse 100×100 precision matrix to sample multivariate Gaussian random vectors using the inverse of it as the covariance matrix. To be a valid precision matrix, the matrix I create should be a positive definite matrix, so I regenerate the matrix until it is positive definite (all its eigenvalues are positive). Here is my R code for this job:

k = 100
sparsity = .2
while (TRUE) {
    # generate the symmetric sparsity mask
    mask = rand(k)
    mask = mask * (mask < sparsity)
    mask[lower.tri(mask, diag = TRUE)] = 0
    mask = mask + t(mask) + eye(k)
    mask[mask > 0] = 1

    # generate the symmetric precision matrix
    theta = matrix(rnorm(k^2), k)
    theta[lower.tri(theta, diag = TRUE)] = 0
    theta = theta + t(theta) + eye(k)

    # apply the reqired sparsity
    theta = theta * mask

    if(sum(eigen(theta)$values > 0) == k) {
    } else {
        print('Theta is not positive definite!')

The problem is that this code never ends, which means that that kind of valid precision matrix can never be created. What is the way to achieve this job?

Best Answer

Have you tried doing a random triangular sparse matrix and then using it as the Cholesky decomposition of your covariance matrix?

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