Solved – How to fit an ARMA process to residuals in R

autocorrelationautoregressiverregressiontime series

I have a quadratic regression model with three statistically significant coefficients: intercept, time, and time^2. The residuals of the model show significant autocorrelation. I understand that you can find an ARMA process for the residuals simply by using the ar or arima function and getting the coefficients [i.e.,method='mle')]… but how do you refit the regression model with the autocorrelated residuals (for purposes in forecasting)? I'm thinking of terms of auto.arima

Best Answer

You are correct that it makes sense to estimate the "main part" of the model simultaneously allowing for the error term to have an ARMA structure (as opposed to doing this in two steps, which would be less efficient). Simply add the main regressors (time and time^2) via the argument xreg in the function arima or auto.arima. It will estimate a regression with ARMA errors. You can read more about this and related techniques in an enlightening blog post "The ARIMAX model muddle" by Rob J. Hyndman.