Solved – How to estimate Cohen’s D using the independent groups definition but on a paired samples data

cohens-dconfidence intervalr

I want to calculate cohen's d with confidence intervals for a paired samples designs.

Some authors suggest that you use the paired t test value to adjust for the correlation between measures (Rosenthal, 1991).

Dunlop et al 1996 suggest that the correlation between the paired samples should not be included. In particular, if such a correlation is used, then results are not readily comparable to between subjects effects.
Instead, they recommend using independent samples formula:

$$d= \frac{\mu_1-\mu_2}{\sigma_\textrm{pooled}}$$


How do you estimate confidence intervals for Cohen's d in a paired samples design where Cohen's d uses the formula above?

The way I have estimated it so far is to use the R function ci.smd from the MBESS package. This function is designed for independent samples tests and takes the sizes of two independent groups as input.

In the code below I use i to represent the number of subjects (equal, as the same participants are in each group) and use an effect size of 0.8 as an example.

library(MBESS) <- ci.smd(smd=0.8, n.1=i,n.2=i)

Is it appropriate to use such function ci.smd for confidence intervals for paired samples?

Best Answer

This is just about Dunlop et al because I've got no time to go through the code.

They have a point when the design of the study could be between or within. Nevertheless, I think both effect sizes could easily be reported. Minimally, if you follow their advice, you should also report your correlation between your groups so that the repeated measures effect size can be calculated.

But their argument often gets extended to cases where you can only do the experiment within subject. I remember some property of differences between people's ears that gets studied where the literature strongly endorsed Dunlop. In that case, there's no way to do the study as an independent groups design and therefore no concern about comparing the effect sizes observed across repeated measures and independent groups.

It depends on the kind of study you're doing whether you follow Dunlop et al. Are there both independent and repeated measures designs possible? Is there a related literature you want to consider that can have independent measures? If so, include an independent groups effect size.

And also make sure you publish how you pool your effect variance. There are a variety of ways it's done and it's important to specify.