Solved – How to effectively summarize and visualize time series of employee activities

data visualizationrtime series

I am managing many people entering data into a database. I have a log of user, date, time, table, and action that each person makes:

records <- data.frame(user = c('bob', 'bob', 'jane', 'jane', 'bob', 'bob', 'bob', 'jane', 'jane', 'bob'),
                      date = c("2010-06-24", "2010-06-28", "2010-06-29", "2010-06-30", "2010-07-01", "2010-07-02", "2010-07-05", "2010-07-06", "2010-07-07", "2010-07-09"), 
                      time = c("01:40:08", "01:40:18", "01:40:28", "01:40:37", "01:40:44", "01:40:52", "01:40:59", "01:56:26", "02:16:37", "03:55:06"),
                      table = c(rep('table1',5), rep('table2',5)),
                      action = c('create', 'create', 'create', 'update', 'create', 'update', 'update', 'create', 'create', 'create')) 

For a non-trivial example, the actual records dataframe with 10,000 entries can be downloaded as an .Rdata file here, and then:

qplot(date, table, data = records, color = user, geom='jitter')

How can I visualize, overall and for each table:

  1. the amount of time each person works per week
  2. the type and number or frequency of actions that they made.


Best Answer

Below the code to plot the numbers of actions per week/per user:

records$posdate <- as.POSIXlt(records$date,format="%Y-%m-%d")
records$week <- as.numeric(format(records$posdate,"%W")) #changed from previous hack!
numberActions <- by(records$action,records[,c("user","week")],function(x) length(x[x!="Login"]))
numberActions <- melt(t(numberActions[1:7,]),"week")
colnames(numberActions)[2] <- "user"

I hope this helps.


For the second part you can use plyr:

numberActions <- ddply(records,c("user","week"),function(x) table(x$action))
numberActions <- melt(numberActions,c("user","week"))
numberActions <- numberActions[numberActions$value!=0 & numberActions$variable!="Login",]

and then the usual ggplot...