Kernel Density Estimate – How to Randomly Draw a Value


I have some observations, and I want to mimick sampling based on these observations. Here I consider a non-parametric model, specifically, I use kernel smoothing to estimate a CDF from the limited observations.Then I draw values at random from the obtained CDF.The following is my code,(the idea is to get randomly a cumulative probability using uniform distribution, and take the inverse of the CDF with respect to the probability value)

x = [randn(100, 1); rand(100, 1)+4; rand(100, 1)+8];
[f, xi] = ksdensity(x, 'Function', 'cdf', 'NUmPoints', 300);
cdf = [xi', f'];
nbsamp = 100;
rndval = zeros(nbsamp, 1);
for i = 1:nbsamp
    p = rand;
   [~, idx] = sort(abs(cdf(:, 2) - p));
   rndval(i, 1) = cdf(idx(1), 1);
hist(x, 40)
hist(rndval, 40)

As shown in the code, I used a synthetic example to test my procedure, but the result is unsatisfactory, as illustrated by the two figures below (the first is for the simulated observations, and the second figure shows the histogram drawn from estimated CDF):

Figure 1
Figure 2

Is there anyone who knows where the problem is? Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

A kernel density estimator (KDE) produces a distribution that is a location mixture of the kernel distribution, so to draw a value from the kernel density estimate all you need do is (1) draw a value from the kernel density and then (2) independently select one of the data points at random and add its value to the result of (1).

Here is the result of this procedure applied to a dataset like the one in the question.


The histogram at the left depicts the sample. For reference, the black curve plots the density from which the sample was drawn. The red curve plots the KDE of the sample (using a narrow bandwidth). (It is not a problem, or even unexpected, that the red peaks are shorter than the black peaks: the KDE spreads things out, so peaks will get lower to compensate.)

The histogram at the right depicts a sample (of the same size) from the KDE. The black and red curves are the same as before.

Evidently, the procedure used to sample from the density works. It's also extremely fast: the R implementation below generates millions of values per second from any KDE. I have commented it heavily to assist in the porting to Python or other languages. The sampling algorithm itself is implemented in the function rdens with the lines

rkernel <- function(n) rnorm(n, sd=width) 
sample(x, n, replace=TRUE) + rkernel(n)  

rkernel draws n iid samples from the kernel function while sample draws n samples with replacement from the data x. The "+" operator adds the two arrays of samples component by component.

For those who would like a formal demonstration of correctness, I offer it here. Let $K$ represent the kernel distribution with CDF $F_K$ and let the data be $\mathbf{x}=(x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n)$. By the definition of a kernel estimate, the CDF of the KDE is

$$F_{\mathbf{\hat{x}};\, K}(x) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n F_K(x-x_i).$$

The preceding recipe says to draw $X$ from the empirical distribution of the data (that is, it attains the value $x_i$ with probability $1/n$ for each $i$), independently draw a random variable $Y$ from the kernel distribution, and sum them. I owe you a proof that the distribution function of $X+Y$ is that of the KDE. Let's start with the definition and see where it leads. Let $x$ be any real number. Conditioning on $X$ gives

$$\eqalign{ F_{X+Y}(x) &= \Pr(X+Y \le x) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \Pr(X+Y \le x \mid X=x_i) \Pr(X=x_i) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \Pr(x_i + Y \le x) \frac{1}{n} \\ &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \Pr(Y \le x-x_i) \\ &= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n F_K(x-x_i) \\ &= F_{\mathbf{\hat{x}};\, K}(x), }$$

as claimed.

# Define a function to sample from the density.
# This one implements only a Gaussian kernel.
rdens <- function(n, density=z, data=x, kernel="gaussian") {
  width <- z$bw                              # Kernel width
  rkernel <- function(n) rnorm(n, sd=width)  # Kernel sampler
  sample(x, n, replace=TRUE) + rkernel(n)    # Here's the entire algorithm
# Create data.
# `dx` is the density function, used later for plotting.
n <- 100
x <- c(rnorm(n), rnorm(n, 4, 1/4), rnorm(n, 8, 1/4))
dx <- function(x) (dnorm(x) + dnorm(x, 4, 1/4) + dnorm(x, 8, 1/4))/3
# Compute a kernel density estimate.
# It returns a kernel width in $bw as well as $x and $y vectors for plotting.
z <- density(x, bw=0.15, kernel="gaussian")
# Sample from the KDE.
system.time(y <- rdens(3*n, z, x)) # Millions per second
# Plot the sample.
h.density <- hist(y, breaks=60, plot=FALSE)
# Plot the KDE for comparison.
h.sample <- hist(x, breaks=h.density$breaks, plot=FALSE)
# Display the plots side by side.
histograms <- list(Sample=h.sample, Density=h.density)
y.max <- max(h.density$density) * 1.25
for (s in names(histograms)) {
  h <- histograms[[s]]
  plot(h, freq=FALSE, ylim=c(0, y.max), col="#f0f0f0", border="Gray",
       main=paste("Histogram of", s))
  curve(dx(x), add=TRUE, col="Black", lwd=2, n=501) # Underlying distribution
  lines(z$x, z$y, col="Red", lwd=2)                 # KDE of data
