Solved – How to do partial regression plots with linear mixed-effect models

data visualizationlme4-nlmemixed modelpartial-effectr

I have a linear mixed-effect model in R with two continuous fixed-effects and one random effect, like this:


To graphically display the independent effect of x1 on y, while controlling the effects of x2 (fixed effect) and r (random effect), is it appropriate to do a partial regression plot using the same logic used for multiple linear regression models? I.e.:

                          #removing the effect of x2 and r on y


                          #removing the effect of x2 and r on x1


              #partial regression plot to display the pure effect of x1 on y


Also, I used the "plotLMER.fnc function" from the "LMERConvenienceFunctions" R package to plot the partial effect size of each fixed effect as follows:


However, I am not sure what this package means by "effect size". Is it β1 and β2?

I will be very grateful for any help in this issue.

Best Answer

You can use the remef package to prepare data for the visualization of partial effects. The package can be installed with devtools.


To remove the influece of x2 and the random effects from the dependent variable, you can use

y_partial <- remef(model, fix = "x2", ran = "all")

This will create a modified version of y based on the partial effect while the residuals are still present. Hence, you can still visualize the deviations from the predictions.

With the adjusted data y_partial you can, for example, create a plot of y_partial as a function of x1 together with a linear regression line.

Disclaimer: I am the author of the remef package

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