How to Perform Community Detection in Weighted Social Networks

clusteringdata visualizationmodularitynetworkspartitioning

I'm wondering if someone could suggest what are good starting points when it comes to performing community detection/graph partitioning/clustering on a graph that has weighted, undirected edges. The graph in question has approximately 3 million edges and each edge expresses the degree of similarity between the two vertices it connects. In particular, in this dataset edges are individuals and vertices are a measure of the similarity of their observed behavior.

In the past I followed a suggestion I got here on and used igraph's implementation of Newman's modularity clustering and was satisfied with the results, but that was on a unweighted dataset.

Are there any specific algorithms I should be looking at?

Best Answer

igraph implementation of Newman's modularity clustering (fastgreedy function) can be used with weighted edges as well. Just add weight attribute to the edges and analyse as usual. In my experience, it run even faster with weights as there are less ties.