Hypothesis Testing – How to Determine if Two Correlations are Significantly Different

correlationhypothesis testingmissing datastatistical significance

I want to determine which of two sets of data (B1, B2) better correlates (pearsons r) to another set (A). There is missing data in all sets of data.
How can I determine whether the resulting correlation is significantly different or not?

E.g. 8426 values are present in both A and B1, r = 0.74. 8798 are present in both A and B2, r=0.72.

I thought this question might help but it is unanswered: How to know one system is significantly better than another one?

Best Answer

Sometimes one might be able to accomplish this in multiple regression, where A is the DV, B is the score people have on a scale, and C is a dummy code that says it is either B1 or B2: lm(A~B+C+B*C). The interaction term, B*C, will tell you if the correlations are different, while simple slopes between A and B at both levels of C will tell you the correlations.

However, it is not possible to fit all types of comparisons between conditions in this framework. The cocor R package is very useful, and it has a very simple point-and-click interface on the web. Note that, with different missing data, you have neither independent nor dependent samples. I would use listwise deletion here, to keep it simple (and power isn't an issue for you).

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