Solved – How to determine the AR and MA from these correlograms

arimaautocorrelationdata visualizationforecastingtime series

I've been trying to ARIMA models for the UK nominal GDP. I've determined the I to be not stationary – I(1). And now am having trouble identifying what the AR(p) and MA(q) would be from the linked correlograms:

ACF for differenced variable (

enter image description here

PACF for differenced variable (

enter image description here

My initial thoughts were: since there no pattern for PACF, MA is 0. And because of the 2 significant spikes in PACF, the AR would be 2. But I'm confused about relevant lags.

Best Answer

The acf and pacf suggest possible non-ivertibility perhaps due to the wrong fixup for non-stationarity. See Box & Jenkins Table A , Chart B & C for invertiblity requirements. I have seen similar plots ( an I have seen a lot of plots ! ) often suggesting incorrect differencing . Rather than differencing there might be a need for de-meaning based upon either a change in trend in the original series or a change in level (intercept change). If you post your data I will try and help you further. Note that if a series changes level the acf suggests non-stationarity not necessarily remedied by differencing. To prove this to yourself simulate a wn series with a mean shift .. then examine it's acf

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