Solved – How to describe a design with a mix of experimental conditions, predictor variables, and multiple outcome variables

experiment-designmanovamixed model

My research design is as follows:

I have these Between Subjects IVs:

  • Experiment Condition – 5 levels

  • Facebook User status – 2 levels (yes/no)

My supervisor also wants me to see if there are significant effects of:

  • Gender – 2 levels

  • Relationship Status – 2 levels

  • Relationship Satisfaction – 2 levels

And these within subjects IVs:

  • Mood at Time 1

  • Mood at Time 2

I also have three DVs

  • Attraction level

  • Frequency of Thought

  • Mood State

I am looking at the effect of a certain condition on Facebook users, vs non Facebook users. Within this I want to look at whether there are differences between the genders; whether there is a difference between people in a relationship vs. not in a relationship and the effect of relationship satisfaction. It's a big study, but I'm not sure about how to describe the design.


  • How should I describe the design of this study?

Initial thoughts

I'm thinking it has to be a MANOVA design, however what I am finding confusing are the various IVs.
Is it a 2 x 5 Factorial MANOVA? I'm just so confused with all the IVs flying around.

Best Answer

  • There is a difference between the design and a statistical test. Your design presumably incorporates random assignment of participants to one of five conditions, actively sampling (perhaps an even number?) of facebook and non-facebook users, and to some extent the study of time.
  • You might describe your design as a 5 by 2 by 2 mixed design (in the case of mood) with condition (5 levels) and facebook status (2 levels) as between subjects factors and time (2 levels) as a within subjects factor; and a 5 by 2 factorial design for the dependent variables only measured at time 2.
  • Any description of your design should make it clear which between subjects factors were achieved through random allocation.
  • In terms of statistical analyses, you may choose to run ANOVAs or MANOVAs and it sounds like you are interested in covariates (i.e., gender, relationship status, relationship satisfaction). I label these covariates because they were not part of either random allocation or the process of sampling participants.