Solved – How to decompose a time series with multiple seasonal components

decompositionforecastingmultiple-seasonalitiesrtime series

I have a time series that contains double seasonal components and I would like to decompose the series into the following time series components (trend, seasonal component 1, seasonal component 2 and irregular component). As far as I know, the STL procedure for decomposing a series in R only allows one seasonal component, so I have tried decomposing the series twice. First, by setting the frequency to be the first seasonal component using the following code:

ser = ts(data, freq=48)
dec_1 = stl(ser, s.window="per")

Then, I decomposed the irregular component of the decomposed series (dec_1) by setting the frequency to be the second seasonal component, such that:

ser2 = ts(dec_1$time.series[,3], freq=336)
dec_2 = stl(ser2, s.window="per")

I'm not very confident with this approach. And I would like to know if there are any other ways to decompose a series that has multiple seasonalities. Also,I have noticed that the tbats() function in the R forecast package allows one to fit a model to a series with multiple seasonalities however, it doesn't say how to decompose a series with it.

Best Answer

R's forecast package bats() and tbats() functions can fit BATS and TBATS models to the data. The functions return lists with a class attribute either "bats" or "tbats". One of the elements on this list is a time series of state vectors, $x(t)$, for each time, $t$.

See for the formula's and Hyndman et al (2008) for a better description of ETS models. BATS and TBATS are an extension of ETS.

For example:

fit <- bats(myTimeseries)

In this case, each row of x will be on fourier-like harmonic.

There are also plot.tbats() and plot.bats() functions to automatically decompose and view the components.