Solved – How to deal with autocorrelation in mixed models

autocorrelationmixed modelrrandom-effects-modelresiduals

I am trying to model a varible (maximum depth) as a function of type of dive and diel changes (day,night) with the individuals (whales in this case) as a random factor in R.

I tried first to apply a linear mixed model (lme) and I had a problem of autocorrelation and non-normality of residuals.

Next, I tried to apply a GLM with Poisson and negative binomial distribution. Both had the same problem of autocorrelation and/or non-normality of residuals.

What can I do after to model these variables or to correct these issues?

Thank you


I tried using corAR1 (correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | whale)) but when I plot ACF there is still a strong autocorrelation.

enter image description here

What can this mean and how could I proceed to solve it?

I could not include time in the corAR1 function because of repeated diel values (Error in Initialize.corAR1(X[[i]], …) :   covariate must have unique values within groups for "corAR1" objects)


Best Answer

Mixed models are often a good choice when you have repeated measures, such as here, within whales. lme from the nlme package can fit mixed models and also handle autocorrelation based on a AR(1) process, where values of $X$ at $t-1$ determine the values of $X$ at $t$.

$$ X_{t}=c+\varphi X_{{t-1}}+\varepsilon _{t} $$

The function corAR1 handles discrete time and corCAR1 handles continuous time. For example:

mod <- lme(..., correlation = corAR1(form = ~ 1 | id))` 

with equally spaced time intervals or:

lme(..., correlation = corAR1(form = ~ time | id))

where the time intervals are supplied by the time variable.

I tried to apply a GLM with Poisson and negative binomial distribution. Both had the same problem of autocorrelation and/or non-normality of residuals.

From your description, the outcome is continuous so a count model such as Poisson or negative binomial would not make sense

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