Solved – How to create a regression model object from intercept and coefficients values only (without the database) in R

generalized linear modelmodelingmultiple regressionregression

I want to recreate a regression model based on what was given in a scientific paper. They gave intercept and coefficient terms.

I know how to create regression models in R, but is this possible to do without the original database?

I would use these models on my own database to perform model comparison and test their predictive capabilities.

The special case here is that I am mostly interested in logistic regression. But I guess this question is scalable to all types of regression models.

So in other words: how can we create regression model objects (e.g. glm) using only beta values.

Best Answer

I think all you need to do is "score" (create a new column in your database that contains the predicted values for each record in your database) using the regression model coefficients and functional form of the model (for linear regression example, y = XB where y is the predicted value from the regression model, X is your database, and B is a vector with the model coefficients).

I'm not sure of the exact functional form of your regression model but in R you can write the equation from the command line:

y <- a + b*x

Hope this helps

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