Solved – How to create a nearly orthogonal experimental design in R

experiment-designmixed modelr

Does anyone know an R package for nearly orthogonal designs?

I would like to create an experimental design, using 12 runs, up to 10 factors, and with mixed levels (e.g. a combination of 2 and 3 level factors). I would like to explore some nearly-orthogonal designs.

There are lots of packages for orthogonal fractional designs. For example, I have looked at the documentation for AlgDesign, planor, FrF2, support.CEs, DoE.Base.

In SAS, there exist a set of macros for creating orthogonal and nearly orthogonal fractional factorial experimental designs:

Does anyone know if something similar exists in R? The CRAN task view does not mention nearly orthogonal designs.

Many thanks

Update: The Federov algorithm implemented in AlgDesign optFederov lets you create nearly orthogonal designs for mixed factors, as shown in the documentation

Best Answer

Update: The Federov algorithm implemented in AlgDesign optFederov lets you create nearly orthogonal designs for mixed factors, as shown in the documentation

The example in the post below is a non-orthogonal fractional factorial design

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