Solved – How to conduct predictor selection in a generalized linear mixed model

generalized linear modelmixed modelmodel selectionstepwise regression

I have 18 predictors in a binary generalized linear mixed model (repeated measurements, over a 1000 subjects). I would like to trim the model a bit and remove some noise and useless predictors. Unfortunately, PROC GLIMMIX does not have any facility to do this. I could not find an R package that would do this (step() function style). If I were to try this manually, say begin with a full model (all predictors in) and do a 'backward selection', what criterion could I use to do this quickly? Could I use, say, p-values? But at what significance level?

Best Answer

Rather than using a stepwise procedure, I would fit an L1-regularized model, and discard predictors whose coefficients are effectively forced to be zero. See [Ng 2004].