Solved – How to choose a kernel for KDE

data visualizationdistributionskernel-smoothingnonparametric

There are a lot of kernels available for a univariate KDE. R uses normal by default, but the efficacy discussion seems to support the use of Epanechnikov. What should influence kernel choice for univariate exploratory analysis?

Best Answer

This is not really a data visualization question. The information is fairly readily available online, eg

mentions using AMISE to select bandwidth, same approach for kernels could be used. But for EDA, you would want to work like the recommendation for histograms, re-plot with different binwidths to learn different things in the data. Sometimes using a different kernel may be helpful. The normal kernel is generally useful, and I think the bandwidth is more important than the actual kernel.

I would suggest adding tags: distributions, nonparametric. Possibly get better answers under these topics.

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