Solved – How to carry out multiple post-hoc chi-square tests on a 2 X 3 table


My data set is comprised of either total mortality or survival of an organism at three site types, inshore, midchannel and offshore. The numbers in the table below represent the number of sites.

              100% Mortality            100% Survival
Inshore             30                       31 
Midchannel          10                       20 
Offshore             1                       10

I would like to know if the # of sites where 100% mortality occurred is significant based on site type.
If I run a 2 x 3 chi-square, I get a significant result. Is there a post-hoc pairwise comparison that I can run or should I actually be using a logistical ANOVA or regression with binomial distribution?

Best Answer

A contingency table should contain all the mutually exclusive categories on both axes. Inshore/Midchannel/Offshore look fine, however unless "less than 100% mortality" means "100% survival" in this biological setting you may need to construct tables that account for all the cases observed or explain why you restrict your analysis to the extreme ends of the sample.

As 100% survival means 0% mortality, you could have a table with columns 100%=mortality / 100%>mortality>0% / mortality=0%. In this case you wouldn't any more compare percentages, but compare ordinal mortality measures across three site type categories. (What about using the original percentage values instead of categories?) A version of Kruskal-Wallis test may be appropriate here that takes ties appropriately into consideration (maybe a permutation test).

There are established post hoc tests for the Kruskal-Wallis test: 1, 2, 3. (A resampling approach may help tackling with ties.)

Logistic regression and binomial regression may be even better as they not only give you p values, but also useful estimates and confidence intervals of the effect sizes. However to set up those models more details would be needed concerning the 100%>mortality>0% sites.

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