Solved – How to calculate Tukey-adjusted p-values for emmeans pairwise comparisons


I would like to calculate Tukey-adjusted p-values for emmeans pairwise comparisons. I know that these can be obtained directly with functions like pairs() and CLD(). However, when there are three leading zeroes in the p-value, only one digit is displayed. I recognize that in this case the significance of the test statistic is not in question, but I like to consistently report p-values with two digits in papers.

In attempting to calculate a more precise p-value based on the output of pairs(), I have not been able to figure out how to do this when there are multiple comparisons. It's straightforward when there is just one comparison:

> pairs(emmeans(model1, "harvest"), details = T)  
 contrast              estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value  
 Spring - Spring/Fall 0.4521333 0.1006861 15   4.491  0.0004  

> 2*pt(4.491, 15, lower=FALSE)  
[1] 0.0004309609

However, when there are multiple comparisons, I can't figure out how to calculate the appropriate Tukey-adjusted p-value. An unadjusted p-value is too low and an adjusted p-value is too high (using the contrast between factor levels 15 and 61 as an example).

> pairs(emmeans(model2, ""))  
 contrast  estimate        SE df t.ratio p.value  
 15 - 30  0.1979111 0.1034653 62   1.913  0.1436  
 15 - 61  0.4199143 0.1034653 62   4.059  0.0004  
 30 - 61  0.2220032 0.1034653 62   2.146  0.0890  

P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates  

> 2*pt(4.059, 62, lower=FALSE)  # too low  
[1] 0.0001405038  

> 2*ptukey(4.059, nmeans = 3, df = 62, lower=FALSE)  # too high  
[1] 0.03053126

How should I calculate the Tukey-adjusted p-value so that I can obtain more digits?

Best Answer

Tukey-adjusted P values are computed using the ptukey() function in R (Studentized range distribution). This is one of the toughest distributions to compute, among those in common use. The help page for ptukey states:


A Legendre 16-point formula is used for the integral of ptukey. The computations are relatively expensive, especially for qtukey which uses a simple secant method for finding the inverse of ptukey. qtukey will be accurate to the 4th decimal place.

This means that the probabilities are computed using numerical integration. I really doubt that a P value way out in the tail can be computed to many digits' accuracy. I suggest that if you have a habit of reporting P values to 2 digits accuracy, it is a habit worth breaking. Nobody needs to distinguish between P = .00022 and P = .00024, even if 2 digits accuracy is believable.

However, as is suggested in a comment, if you do summary(pairs(...)) or, you get something that inherits from data.frame, and every P value can be extracted to 9 or so digits. But it is false precision.

Also, here is the correct calculation of that P value:

> 1 - ptukey(4.059 * sqrt(2), 3, 62)
[1] 0.0004082944

Actually, the actual result is somewhere in a range depending on the rounding of $t$:

> 1 - ptukey(4.0595 * sqrt(2), 3, 62)
[1] 0.0004076112

> 1 - ptukey(4.0585 * sqrt(2), 3, 62)
[1] 0.0004089787

The $\sqrt{2}$ factor is needed because the standardization is based on the SE of one mean rather than the difference of two means; and the Studentized range test is a one-sided test based on the maximum minus the minimum.

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