Solved – How to calculate the output from this neural network

machine learningneural networks

enter image description here
bias w0=0.15 and w01=0.5. Assume the intercept of the combination function is 0.

Basically, I am studying for my exam and I don't understand how to calculate this question about neural network:

1) the output of H1 and H2

2) the output of node 1.

Thank you.

Best Answer

The arrows are weights, the nodes store values. You multiply the values by weights. So if you take the part of a graf:

x[0] - w[0] \ |
x[1] - w[1] - h 
x[2] - w[2] /

it means h = x[0]w[0] + x[1]w[1] + x[2]w[2] + b, where b is bias term. So basically, h is a result of dot product between vector of values and a vector of weights.