Solved – How to calculate marginal effects in mixed models

lme4-nlmemarginal-effectmixed modelr

m1 <- lmer(resp ~ pred1 + pred2 + pred3 + (1|site), data = Xs)
mod.predictions1 <- predict(m1, re.form = NA)
plot(pred1, mod.predictions1) # plot 1

Xs$pred2 <- mean(Xs$pred2)
Xs$pred3 <- mean(Xs$pred3)
mod.predictions2 <- predict(m1, newdata = Xs, re.form = NA)
plot(pred1, mod.predictions2) # plot 2

Between plot1 and plot2, what is the difference? If I want to show
how does my resp change with pred1, should I show plot1 or plot2?

Best Answer

If you want to show how your outcome resp is related to pred1, you should go for the second approach, because in the first one the predictions you obtained are affected by changing values of pred2 and pred3.

In general, you can something like this

plot_data <- with(Xs, expand.grid(
      pred1 = seq(min(pred1), max(pred1), length = 100), 
      pred2 = mean(pred2), 
      pred3 = mean(pred3)

preds <- predict(m1, newdata = plot_data, re.form = NA)
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