Confidence Interval – Calculate for Mean of Log-Normal Data Sets

confidence intervallognormal distributionmean

I've heard/seen in several places that you can transform the data set into something that is normal-distributed by taking the logarithm of each sample, calculate the confidence interval for the transformed data, and transform the confidence interval back using the inverse operation (e.g. raise 10 to the power of the lower and upper bounds, respectively, for $\log_{10}$).

However, I'm a bit suspicious of this method, simply because it doesn't work for the mean itself: $10^{\operatorname{mean}(\log_{10}(X))} \ne \operatorname{mean}(X)$

What is the correct way to do this? If it doesn't work for the mean itself, how can it possibly work for the confidence interval for the mean?

Best Answer

There are several ways for calculating confidence intervals for the mean of a lognormal distribution. I am going to present two methods: Bootstrap and Profile likelihood. I will also present a discussion on the Jeffreys prior.


For the MLE

In this case, the MLE of $(\mu,\sigma)$ for a sample $(x_1,...,x_n)$ are

$$\hat\mu= \dfrac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^n\log(x_j);\,\,\,\hat\sigma^2=\dfrac{1}{n}\sum_{j=1}^n(\log(x_j)-\hat\mu)^2.$$

Then, the MLE of the mean is $\hat\delta=\exp(\hat\mu+\hat\sigma^2/2)$. By resampling we can obtain a bootstrap sample of $\hat\delta$ and, using this, we can calculate several bootstrap confidence intervals. The following R codes shows how to obtain these.



# Simulated data
data0 = exp(rnorm(100))

# Statistic (MLE)

mle = function(dat){
m = mean(log(dat))
s = mean((log(dat)-m)^2)

# Bootstrap
boots.out = boot(data=data0, statistic=function(d, ind){mle(d[ind])}, R = 10000)

# 4 types of Bootstrap confidence intervals, conf = 0.95, type = "all")

For the sample mean

Now, considering the estimator $\tilde{\delta}=\bar{x}$ instead of the MLE. Other type of estimators might be considered as well.



# Simulated data
data0 = exp(rnorm(100))

# Statistic (MLE)

samp.mean = function(dat) return(mean(dat))

# Bootstrap
boots.out = boot(data=data0, statistic=function(d, ind){samp.mean(d[ind])}, R = 10000)

# 4 types of Bootstrap confidence intervals, conf = 0.95, type = "all")

Profile likelihood

For the definition of likelihood and profile likelihood functions, see. Using the invariance property of the likelihood we can reparameterise as follows $(\mu,\sigma)\rightarrow(\delta,\sigma)$, where $\delta=\exp(\mu+\sigma^2/2)$ and then calculate numerically the profile likelihood of $\delta$.

$$R_p(\delta)=\dfrac{\sup_{\sigma}{\mathcal L}(\delta,\sigma)}{\sup_{\delta,\sigma}{\mathcal L}(\delta,\sigma)}.$$

This function takes values in $(0,1]$; an interval of level $0.147$ has an approximate confidence of $95\%$. We are going to use this property for constructing a confidence interval for $\delta$. The following R codes shows how to obtain this interval.


# Simulated data
data0 = exp(rnorm(100))

# Log likelihood
ll = function(mu,sigma) return( sum(log(dlnorm(data0,mu,sigma))))

# Profile likelihood
Rp = function(delta){
temp = function(sigma) return( sum(log(dlnorm(data0,log(delta)-0.5*sigma^2,sigma)) ))
max=exp(optimize(temp,c(0.25,1.5),maximum=TRUE)$objective     -ll(mean(log(data0)),sqrt(mean((log(data0)-mean(log(data0)))^2))))

vec = seq(1.2,2.5,0.001)
rvec = lapply(vec,Rp)

# Profile confidence intervals
tr = function(delta) return(Rp(delta)-0.147)

$\star$ Bayesian

In this section, an alternative algorithm, based on Metropolis-Hastings sampling and the use of the Jeffreys prior, for calculating a credibility interval for $\delta$ is presented.

Recall that the Jeffreys prior for $(\mu,\sigma)$ in a lognormal model is

$$\pi(\mu,\sigma)\propto \sigma^{-2},$$

and that this prior is invariant under reparameterisations. This prior is improper, but the posterior of the parameters is proper if the sample size $n\geq 2$. The following R code shows how to obtain a 95% credibility interval using this Bayesian model.



# Simulated data
data0 = exp(rnorm(100))

# Log posterior
lp = function(par){
if(par[2]>0) return( sum(log(dlnorm(data0,par[1],par[2]))) - 2*log(par[2]))
else return(-Inf)

# Metropolis-Hastings
NMH = 260000
out = metrop(lp, scale = 0.175, initial = c(0.1,0.8), nbatch = NMH)

#Acceptance rate

deltap = exp(  out$batch[,1][seq(10000,NMH,25)] + 0.5*(out$batch[,2][seq(10000,NMH,25)])^2  )


# 95% credibility interval

Note that they are very similar.

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