Solved – How to analyse three independent variables and two dependent variables


I have measured the following variables on 200 individuals.

  • Independent variables:

    • Measures of personality
      • Extraversion
      • Conscientiousness
    • Leader Member Exchange (LMX) quality
  • Dependent variable

    • Measures of sales performance
      • Sales achieved
      • Repeat sales

Should I use Multiple regression?
I seem to have 3 IVs and 2 DVs, which is causing confusion.

Best Answer

Of course, it all depends on your research question, but here are a few ideas.

Basic set of analyses:

  • Produce a correlation matrix using all five variables.
  • Run two regressions with your three predictors in both, and one of your performance measures as dependent variables in each of the regressions.
  • If it made sense (and it might not) you could create a performance index that was a composite of your two dependent variables and use that as a dependent variable in your regression.

Selection of more sophisticated options:

  • You could run a canonical correlation analysis (see here for my tips on getting started) with your predictors on side and your outcome measures on the other side.
  • You could do a few things with structural equation modelling. If your measures are based on scales, you could estimate the relationships between latent variables. You could also constrain weights to explore various more focused hypotheses.
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