Solved – How many rolls to have a 90% chance of reaching average


I'm not a statistician, so not sure if I am wording this correctly, please bear with me.

Given an event, I expect success $X$ times out of $Y$, say $10$ out of a $100$. However, how do I calculate how many observations I need to make to reach the expected chance, say, $95\%$ of the time.

For example, I have a $10$-sided die, and am trying to roll a $1$. $1$ in $10$ times I expect to get $1$, but I won't necessarily get it exactly once in my first $10$ rolls. Or exactly twice in $20$ rolls. How do I calculate how many rolls it takes to reach the expected $10\%$, $95\%$ of the time? $99\%$ of the time?

Best Answer

You're looking for the binomial distribution, which has two parameters: n and p. The first is the number of rolls, the second is the probability that the desired event happens. So we have p locked to 0.1 (10%) and we can vary n.

The mean is np and the variance is np(1-p), and the standard deviation is the square root of the variance.

So there are two conflicting influences: as we increase the number of rolls, it becomes less and less likely that we'll get 10% exactly, because there are more and more possibilities. 1 out of 10 (39%) is more likely than 2 out of 20 (29%), which is likelier than 10 out of 100 (13%).

But as we increase the number of rolls, the square root (as a fraction of the mean) gets lower, so percentage of successes gets closer and closer to 95%; that is, if you build an interval around the mean that 95% of sample means will fall into, the lower and upper bound of that interval get closer and closer to 10%.

So get it exactly, the best shot you have is rolling 10 dice, and you're capped at 39%; if you want to get close, the more dice you roll the closer you'll get. (If you want to get at most a particular distance from the proportion with some probability, you can calculate how many dice you need to roll using the cumulative distribution function.)