Solved – How many groups to use in Hosmer and Lemeshow test

goodness of fitnonlinear regressionrregression

in the programs I know (i.e. R statistics) the default numbers of groups to use in Hosmer and Lemeshow test (goodness-of-fit for models, especially logistic regression) is set to 10. I wonder why or if I should define another number for my data. Because I also found that the number of groups is really important for the p-value which results from this.

Does it depend on the amount of data, the degrees of freedom, or something else?

Best Answer

The Hosmer and Lemeshow test is really sensitive on the group number and sometimes the change of group will lead to a disaster of conclusion. My suggestion is still use other test for comparison. And be careful with HL-test.

The issue of this is presented in this paper:

And another published paper proposed alternatives and adjustment of HL-test, and also gave recommendations for different situations. Here: