distributions – How Many Data Points Are Needed to Fit an Ex-Gaussian Distribution?

curve fittingdistributions

I want to fit an ex-Gaussian distribution (which has three parameters: $\mu$, $\sigma$, and $\nu$) to reaction time data.

How many data points are needed as a minimum to reasonably fit this distribution?

I am aware that an answer to this question depends on many factors (e.g., how much data actually deviate from the theoretical distribution) and that "more is better" in general. Anyway, are there any rules-of-thumb, or publications which could point me to the needed minimum of data points?

Best Answer

If I recall correctly, as sample size decreases, mu will manifest positive bias while tau will manifest negative bias. Sigma will manifest either positive or negative bias depending on true values of the other parameters. This paper compares two methods of fitting ex-Gaussians, and from the figures I'd probably avoid going below 40 observations.

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