Solved – How is the ROC curve plotted in Viola Jones face detection paper

machine learningpythonroc

I am reading paper by Viola and Jones. There they have used ROC curve to measure the accuracy of their classifier.

Could someone please explain how the ROC curve is plotted in case of binary classifier like face or non face? I mean how is the data points obtained.

(X,Y)= (falsepositive, correctdetection rate)

Do I have to calculate these points for every positives and negatives of my training data set. But my positive and negative data sets are of different sizes. I am bit confused.

Best Answer

All ROC are plotted the same way except the authors may choose different variable on x-axis. The idea of s ROC is to run the identification rate from zero to 100% on y-axis by changing the detection threshold. Suppose that your algorithm produces the probability p of a hit, such as logit regression. Once you got p, you need to decide whether this p is high enough to declare a hit. So you set a threshold C. If p>C then you mark it as a hit.

If you set C high enough you’ll have not too many false positives, but you’ll be missing some true positives too. ROC in the paper runs C from 0 to 1, while plotting the false positive rate on x-axis and detection rate on y-axis. When C is low you detect a lot of hits, but you also have a lot of false positives marking wrong items, so you are in the right top corner. When C is high you are in left bottom corner of s chart

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