Solved – How does whitening or decorrelation help machine learning models

correlationdata preprocessingmachine learningpca

One of the steps in performing whitening is decorrelation. I understand that decorrelation reduces the correlation among various input features, but haven't found a compelling reason why reduced correlation helps machine learning models perform better most of the times.

Is there any mathematical or intuitive explanation to explain this or it's mostly an empirical finding?

Best Answer

Let's understand why correlated variables are removed when fitting ML models.

If 2 or more variables are perfectly correlated with each other, then it makes sense to remove them and let only one of them stay, as all of them span/explain the same dimension, thus, not adding any additional information.

So, when your data is considerably large, you might want to decorrelate the dataset before fitting an ML model, so that the size can be trimmed which would result in the model training and performing faster due to less number of columns.

Also, some parametric models carry the risk of being erratic due to their covariance matrix becoming singular (Reason: Due to multiple columns spanning the same dimension).

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