Solved – How does one visualize the self-organizing map of $n$-dimensional data

data visualizationdimensionality reductionMATLABself organizing maps

I have a data set consisting from $7$-dimensional data points. I want to produce a self-organizing map for this data to see how my data is clustered.

I have been reading some tutorials from the internet about SOM and I usually see this classical example of training the SOM to learn colours (the image is cited from

enter image description here

I'm a bit confused because I don't know how to produce an image similar to the example above when I have $7$-dimensional data. How is SOM usually visualized with $n$-dimensional data? What should I do specifically?

My question is a bit similar to this question: Self Organizing Maps: How is the location computed and updated?

Thank you for any clarifications!

P.S. I'm using Matlab in my analysis.

Best Answer

This is what I have done to see how the map fits the data

Wickham, H.; Cook, D. & Hofmann, H. (2015), 'Visualizing statistical models: Removing the blindfold.', Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 8 (4), 203-225 link

And there are videos at: ggobi book