Solved – How does local connection implied in the CNN algorithm

convolutionneural networks

I am trying to understand the process of Convolutional Neural Networks. Basically, I am trying to understand how does the local connection works. The first step of CNN is a convolution layer where every image is convolved with filters. If for example I have 100 filters, how does the local connections working? If I am understanding well, I have to convolve the input image with all 100 filters in order to produce 100 feature map in the convolutional layer. How does local connection implied in the CNN process? Where is the idea of local receptive fields implied?

EDiT: After the design of the architecture. The weights of all layers, convolutional pooling and the fully connected layer are trained by using back propagation?

Best Answer

To understand the local connectivity, first think about giving an image as input into just a regular fully connected neural network. Each input (pixel value) is connected to every neuron in the first layer. So each neuron in the first layer is getting input from EVERY part of the image.

With a convolutional network, each neuron only receives input from a small local group of the pixels in the input image. This is what is meant by "local connectivity", all of the inputs that go into a given neuron are actually close to each other.

For your second question, yes, both the fully connected layers and the convolutional layers can be trained using back propagation. You take the errors after propagating back to the first fully connected layer and start your convolutional layer propagation using those.

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