Solved – Homogeneity of variance in regression


I have carried out simple linear regression and I am now checking the models meets the assumption of homogeneity of variance:

• am I correct in concluding that the Levenes tests which gave a p<0.05 indicates a violation of homogeneity of variance?

• some models contain 2 or 3 explanatory variables, but in some models, only 1 explanatory variable gave p<0.05 in the Levenes test. Therefore, should only those explanatory variables which gave p<0.05 be corrected?

• is transformation the best place to start when correcting for violation of homogeneity?

Best Answer

  1. You don't "correct" your covariates; the heterogeneity is in the residuals.
  2. If you're simply running Levene's test as a factorial ANOVA & finding heterogeneity for some of your explanatory variables, you probably have interactions with those variables that you're currently missing & need to add to your model.
  3. Transformations of the response variable are a good place to start once you've accounted for possible omitted variables (such as interactions).