Solved – Help understanding regression models with dlm in R

dlmkalman filtermaximum likelihoodr

In the "Dynamic Linear Models with R" book, the Regression models section reads: "The static regression linear model corresponds to the case where $W_t = 0$ for any $t$, so that $\theta_t = \theta$ is constant over time."

I am not understanding what this means, because when I fit a dlmModReg with dW = 0 (default values) and then plot the predicted values of the state vectors, my regression coefficients vary over time, and eventually stabilize to a value similar to that of standard least-squares regression.

Plot of regression slope coefficient with dW = 0:

dW = 0

However, if I use dlmMLE to find the MLE of dW before fitting the model, plotting the predicted values of the state vectors results in non-sensible values with multiple large discontinuities.

Plot of regression slope coefficient with dW MLE and no intercept:

dW != 0 no intercept

Plot of regression slope with dW MLE with intercept:
dw != 0 with intercept

I've yet to find any literature on how the intercept coefficient gets set, but I'm observing a near perfect linear relationship between the intercept and slope coefficient. The inclusion of an intercept term in the parameter MLE also causes my dV to drop from 16 to 0.003. Can anyone point me to any references which discuss how the intercept term is set on each update?

Plot of intercept and slope with dW MLE:
intercept and slope

My questions are:

  1. Why are the regression coefficients dynamic/time-varying even with dW = 0 in the first example? If the regression coefficient changes at every time step regardless of whether dW is 0 or not due to the measurement update stage $\beta_t = \hat{\beta_t} + K_t(y_t – \alpha_t – \hat{\beta_t}x_t)$ ($K$ is the Kalman gain), what's the difference between simple linear regression and dynamic linear regression except for some random variation added in the time update equation $\hat{P_t} = P_{t-1} + dW$ ($P$ is estimate error covariance)?
  2. Why does the plot of regression coefficients have so many discontinuities when my dW != 0?
  3. What is the relationship between the intercept and the slope coefficients? Plotting them reveals a near-perfect linear relationship, but I can't find any literature explaining this. I haven't found the intercept term included in any formulation of the Kalman update equations.

Would anyone be willing to take a look at my data/code?

Best Answer

I cannot answer 2 and 3; the fact that there is near-perfect relationship among slope ant intercept coefficients suggest that the variance of both may be quite large and also account for the discontinuities you observe in 2. But one would need to look at your data and code.

Your question 1, on the other hand, is easy. You have to realize that, even if you assume the parameters are fixed, the Kalman filter gives a sequence of estimates with observations up to a certain time point t. If you were to fit ordinary regressions with samples from 1 to t for different t, you would also obtain different estimates with each.

What is true is that, except for numerical problems that may arise (and for the possible effect of the prior), the final estimate of the state would coincide with the estimate obtained from the ordinary regression with the same sample.

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