Solved – “hello, world” for statistical graphics

data visualization

In computer programming, there is a classic first program for learning/teaching a new language or system, called "hello, world".

Is there a classic first data visualization for using a graphing package? If so, what is it? And if not, what would good candidates be?

Best Answer

Two thoughts:

A. When I try to get at the essence of "Hello World", it's the minimum that must be done in the programming language to generate a valid program that prints a single line of text. That suggests to me that your "Hello World" should be a univariate data set, the most basic thing you could plug into a statistical or graphics program.

B. I'm unaware of any graphing "Hello World". The closest I can come is typical datasets that are included in various statistical packages, such as R's AirPassengers. In R, a Hello World graphing statement would be:

plot (AirPassengers)  # Base graphics, prints line graph


qplot (AirPassengers) # ggplot2, prints a bar chart


xyplot (AirPassengers) # lattice, which doesn't have a generic plot

Personally, I think the simplest graph is a line graph where you have N items in Y and X ranges from 1:N. But that's not a standard.