Hellinger Transformation – Applying Hellinger Transformation with Relative Data

data transformationecology

It is my understanding that the Hellinger transformation is basically the square root of relative abundance data (if rows are samples). However, my row sums do not represent the total community (I am only looking at a fraction of it), and I am interested in keeping it that way. Since my data is already divided by the total species number for each row, wouldn't it be enough to take the square root my data to simulate the Hellinger transformation?

Is Hellinger even required if I can use relative abundance data (having fully saturated samples)?

Best Answer

The Hellinger transformation is defined as

$$ y^{\prime}_{ij} = \sqrt{\frac{y_{ij}}{y_{i.}}} $$

Where $j$ indexes the species, $i$ the site/sample, and $i.$ is the row sum for the $i$th sample.

If your data are already of the form $\frac{y_{ij}}{y_{i.}}$, but you've only taken a subset of the species, then yes, you can just apply a square root transformation to the data you are using and it would have been the same if you'd done the entire Hellinger transformation on the entire data set and then thrown out some of the species.

If you have a large number of taxa, in my experience I have found applying the Hellinger transformation (or just the square root to already proportional abundance data) to be an improvement over and above just analysing the % (or proportional) abundance data.

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