Solved – Hazard ratio for more than two groups


Consider the line of code below for implementing Cox model in R and finding the hazard ratio:

 fitcox <- coxph(Surv(Survival,Death) ~ clusters, data = data)

Here "clusters" is a vector with 30 values as 1, 30 values as 2 ,30 values a 3 and 30 values as 4. The Kaplan-Meier graph consists of 4 plots ; one for each cluster. When I run the above command, the hazard ratio comes out to be 1.3154 (i.e. exp(coef) in R). What does that mean? I mean I have 4 groups but hazard ratio is supposed to be between 2 groups only. What does R mean by 1.3154?

Further Information:


Survival Death clusters

" 345"   "0"   "1" 

"  85"   "0"   "1"

"1058"   "0"   "1" 

" 964"   "1"   "1" 

"1315"   "0"   "2" 

" 669"   "0"   "2"


enter image description here

Best Answer

I guess your predictor has the class "numeric" and thus R thinks it is one continuous variable and determines the hazard ratio for this one variable. If this is the case all you need to do is

data$clusters <- as.factor(data$clusters)

After that R will provide three hazard ratios, each showing the hazard ratio of a given group versus the reference. You can change the refernce group with.

data$clusters <- relevel(data$clusters, "name_of_group")
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