Solved – “hard-mining”, “hard examples”, … – Does “hard” mean anything specific in statistics when not applied to problem difficulty


The conference paper

Jean Ogier Du Terrail,
Frédéric Jurie.
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
Sep 2017,
Beijing, China.

uses the terms
"hard-mining" (6×),
"hard mining" (2×),
"hard examples" (3×),
"hard example mining" (1×),
"hard negative" (2×),
"hard-negative samples" (1×) and
"hard-negative-mining strategies" (1×).

I have no idea what the "hard" specifyer means in this context. As it is mentioned in conjunction with bootstrapping, I suspect that it might be a term from statistics rather than GIS or AI/IR/machine learning/visual object detection or (deep convolutional) artificial neural networks. (It might, of course, be a remote-sensing-specific term.)


2.3. Hard-Mining strategies

Bootstrapping offers a lot of liberties
on how the hard examples are chosen.
One could for instance pick a limited number
of false positives per image or one could fix
a threshold and only pick a false positive if
its score is superior to a fixed threshold (0.5 for instance).

Does "hard" (in general, or within the terms listed above) mean anything specific in statistics, and if so, what? From the context, I don't suppose that it refers to the difficulty of the problem.

I figured it may be related "hard evidence", but that didn't help me in determining what it might mean here.

Best Answer

@Sycorax is correct. "Hard examples" is referring to the examples in the training set that are being mislabeled by the current version of the classifier. Oftentimes it is only used for the background class, which is too large a set for anyone to mine without some kind of a strategy (binary classification on imbalanced sets is hard).

This term was probably coined by Girshick (I think?) in the seminal article DPM and is now widely used in the Object detection community for instance in OHEM, where the negative windows used at each step of the training are chosen according to their current score.

The latter article is an example of Online hard examples mining (hence the title) whereas the ICIP article explores different Offline hard examples mining strategies.