Solved – Group vs Stacked Bar Plots

barplotdata visualization

What are the appropriate uses for a grouped vs a stacked bar plot?

Best Answer

I think grouped bars are preferable to stacked bars in most situations because they retain information about the sizes of the groups and stay readable even when you have multiple nominal categories. For me, the segments of stacked bars get difficult to compare beyond two categories - and even with just two categories, they can be quite deceptive if your groups are of very different sizes. I'd prefer a frequency table over a stacked bar plot any day.

You should also consider a series of bar plots, with each group in a separate plot: series of three bar plots comparing three subsets of the same dataset

This is probably what I use most often. You can do this in R with facet_wrap and facet_grid inggplot2, as well as thelattice` package.

Historical note: histograms != bar plots