Solved – Granger causality test for integrated time series

cointegrationgranger-causalitystationarityunit root

I have two time series that are both non-stationary at level. The ADF test says they have a unit root. When taking the first difference of each time series, they are now stationary. I guess this is denoted as "I(1)".

Now I test for cointegration (Engle-Granger two-step method) of the time series and apply the Granger causality test as provided in statsmodels.


  1. Do I apply the cointegration test on the first-difference values? Do I test with the AIC-selected maxlag or without?
  2. When I see that the first-difference time series are cointegrated (both have $p<0.05$), then can I simply apply the statsmodels Granger causality test?

Best Answer

Question 1: no, you apply the cointegration test on the original series (that you believe to be non-stationnary I(1) ). Regarding selection of lag, one would usually base the choice on a criterion like AIC indeed.

Question 2: again, you would run the cointegration test on the original series. Note that Granger causality does not imply/require cointegration: 2 series can have Granger causality among themselves if they are both I(0), both I(1), or cointegrated.