Solved – GLMnet – “Unstandardizing” Linear Regression Coefficients


When performing linear regression, GLMnet apparently standardizes the dependent variable ($y$) vector to have unit variance before it runs the regression, and then unstandardizes the resulting intercept and coefficients. I assume the standardization is achieved by dividing each $y_i$ by the standard deviation of the $y$ vector.

If I run glmnet with a pre-standardized $y$ how do I unstandardize the resulting equation?

(Note that I am currently running my program/GLMnet on pre-standardized x variables, so I don't have to worry about reversing the x variable standardization that GLMnet also performs.)

I thought that I could simply unstandardize by multiplying each coefficient and the intercept by the standard deviation of the $y$ vector. This does not work – the "unstandardized" equation does not match the result I get when I run glmnet with the same non-standardized $y$. The only time multiplying by the standard deviation works is when I run glmnet with lambda=0. (This effectively runs the program as an ordinary least squares fit.)

I am recreating glmnet in another language as an exercise. When I run my program and glmnet on pre-standardized $y$, I get the same result. I do not get the same result when $y$ is not pre-standardized.

My information on standardization comes from the glmnet vignette:

"Note that for “family=gaussian”, glmnet standardizes y to have unit variance before computing its lambda sequence (and then unstandardizes the resulting coefficients); if you wish to reproduce/compare results with other software, best to supply a standardized y first (Using the “1/N” variance formula)."

Best Answer

This is mostly a case of carefully working out the math. I'll handle the two predictor + intercept case, it should be clear how to generalize it.

The standardized elastic net model results in the following relationship:

$$\frac{y - \mu(y)}{\sigma(y)} = \beta_1 \frac{x_1 - \mu(x_1)}{\sigma(x_1)} + \beta_2 \frac{x_1 - \mu(x_1)}{\sigma(x_1)}$$

If you very carefully move terms around until only $y$ is on the left hand side, you'll get

$$ y = \frac{\beta_1 \sigma(y)}{\sigma(x_1)} x_1 + \frac{\beta_2 \sigma(y)}{\sigma(x_2)} x_2- \left( \frac{\beta_1 \mu(x_1)}{\sigma(x_1)} + \frac{\beta_2 \mu(x_2)}{\sigma(x_2)} \right) \sigma(y) + \mu(y) $$

which gives the relationship between the standardized and unstandardized coefficients.

Here's a quick demonstration you can test this with

X <- matrix(runif(100, 0, 1), ncol=2)
y <- 1 -2*X[,1] + X[,2]

Xst <- scale(X)
yst <- scale(y)

enet <- glmnet(X, y, lambda=0)

enetst <- glmnet(Xst, yst, lambda=0)
coef <- coefficients(enetst)

# Un-standardized betas
coef[2]*sd(y)/sd(X[,1]) # = -2
coef[3]*sd(y)/sd(X[,2]) # = 1

# Unstandardized intercept (= 1)
-(coef[2]*mean(X[,1])/sd(X[,1]) + coef[3]*mean(X[,2])/sd(X[,2]))*sd(y) + mean(y)
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