Solved – glmer with binary response variable: how to select fixed effects


I have measured nest building (building / not building) 5 times over the breeding season and want to see if there is an effect of my treatment (treated / control).
After selecting random effect with likelihood ratio tests (anova(model1,model2) ), I have a model like this:

glmer(nest ~ treatment*time + (1|ID), family=binomial)

Now I want to select my fixed effects. According to Bolker et al. TREE 2009 I should use Wald Z or Chi squared tests to select my fixed effects. How do I do this? Anova{car} won't test 2 glmer's against each other. Can I use wald.test {aod}? If so, how?

Thanks for your help!


Best Answer

First of all: do you really need to do a model selection? MS with subsequent naive regression tests inflates type I error, so if you want to test for effects of your explanatory variables and you have enough data (no issue with power), there is no reason to run a MS.

If you must do a MS, I don't think anova(model1,model2) is appropriate to select on the random effects - likely this function will use naive degrees of freedom (1 or k, not sure) for the random effects. I would recommend fixing the random structure a priori and stick with it. If you must select, simulated LRTs would probably be safe.

Once the random effect structure is fixed, degrees of freedom are less problematic, so it should usually be OK to run a normal AICc basesd model selection on the fixed effects, e.g. with the MuMIn package - all the caveats that I noted first remain though.