Solved – Given the location and scale parameters of a Gumbel distribution for variable X, how does one calculate the mean and variance of X^2

extreme value

I am working with predictive models for wind speeds, which have been given as Gumbel distributions. I need to convert the wind speeds to wind pressures using the formula:

$Pressure = Density * Velocity^2$

So my question is how do I determine the distribution parameters for the wind pressure given the distribution of the velocity?

Also, can I assume that $X^2$ also has a Gumbel distribution? The problem is fairly easy if I can just assume that it has a normal distribution and that:

$E(X^2) = \mu^2 + \sigma^2$

$var(X^2) = E(X^4)-(E(X^2))^2$

Best Answer

The Gumbel cumulative distribution function (CDF) with location parameter $\alpha$ and scale parameter $\beta$ is

$$F_{\alpha, \beta}(x) = 1 - \exp\left(-\exp\left(\frac{x-\alpha}{\beta}\right)\right).$$

When $X$ has this distribution, the CDF of $X^2$ by definition equals

$$F_{X^2}(t) = \Pr(X^2 \le t) = \Pr(-\sqrt{t}\le X \le \sqrt{t}) = F_{\alpha, \beta}(\sqrt{t}) - F_{\alpha, \beta}(-\sqrt{t}) \\ =\exp\left(-\exp\left(\frac{-\sqrt{t}-\alpha}{\beta}\right)\right) - \exp\left(-\exp\left(\frac{\sqrt{t}-\alpha}{\beta}\right)\right)$$

for $t\ge 0$ (and is equal to $0$ otherwise). This is not a Gumbel distribution (it cannot possibly be, because Gumbels always assign positive probability to negative values), but at least it explicitly provides a formula in terms of the parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$.

For working with the density function (PDF), differentiate this CDF with respect to $t$.

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