Chi-Squared Test – Significance with Chi-Squared but Not with Logistic Regression

chi-squared-testlogisticregressionspssstatistical significance

I'm performing a study on a large group of single participants, testing my categorical independent vars against future relationship status. My main IV has three categories: (type 1) no attraction, (type 2) romantic or sexual attraction to an acquaintance or stranger, or (type 3) attract to a current or former partner (girlfriend, husband, ex-spouse).

My other two categorical variables include Gender and whether they have a crush/"waking attraction" (WA) to someone in their life.

I tested all 8 subgroups using C.S., and also tested their aggregate groups. E.g., all participants at 3 months, all Women at 12 months (both with and w/o WA). My dichotomous DV is future relation status (single | in a relationship) and my binary IVs are gender and WA. Below are my SPSS results for Block 0 and Block 1.

enter image description here

I'm not getting L.R. significance with IV variable ("Attracted_1Yes2No"), but it appears that there's interaction between my variables?


It occurred to me that I was treating my data at 3- and 12- months as separate outcomes and really should OR them together to create a DV that relates whether participants were in a relationship at either of these two time points. Getting much more interesting results now with both my C.S. and L.R. tests.

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Best Answer

The bar charts which you present do seem to show interaction. Just looking at the 3 month data the patterns for women with and without WA seem very similar in contrast to the men where the patterns are different with and without WA and different from the women's pattern.

You ask whether you are fitting the interaction correctly. What you have done is something which I sometimes advise people to do when they cannot understand their output but it is not the canonical way. I do not use SPSS myself but there must be a way of specifying interaction directly so you can see the two-way and three-way interaction. I have found in the past that typing into your favourite search engine UCLA followed by the name of what you want to do in your case logistic regression interaction followed by the name of your favourite statistical software in your case SPSS usually find a very helpful page on their web site. Try it and see what happens.

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