Linear Regression – Causes and Solutions for Negative Predicted Values

linear modelpredictorregression

I'm using linear regression to predict a price which is obviously positive. I have only one feature which is gross_area. I standardized it (z-score) I got this kind of value:

array([[ 1.        , -0.48311432],
       [ 1.        ,  0.68052306],
       [ 1.        ,  2.1426852 ],
       [ 1.        , -1.17398593],
       [ 1.        , -0.16265712]])

Where the 1 is the constant for the intercept term.
I predict the parameters(predictors) and I got this:

array([[ 31780004.85045217],
       [ 27347542.4693376 ]])

Where the first cell is the intercept term and the second cell correspond to the parameter found for my feature gross_area.

My problem is the following, when I take for example the fourth line and I compute the matrix multiplication XB to get my prediction, I got this:

In [797]:[4], theta)
Out[797]: array([-325625.35640697])

Which is totally wrong since I cannot have negative value for my dependent variable. It seems like because of my normalization where I got negative value for my feature, I ended up with a negative predicted value for some tuple. How can is it possible and how can I fix this ?
Thank you.

This is what I have predict graphically:
enter image description here

with y=price , x =gross area

Best Answer

Linear regression does not respect the bounds of 0. It's linear, always and everywhere. It may not be appropriate for values that need to be close to 0 but are strictly positive.

One way to manage this, particularly in the case of price, is to use the natural log of price.