Solved – get linear model when I tried to fit exponential model

exponential-smoothingnlsnonlinear regressionr

I was wondering why do I get linear model when I'm using exponential model,
y = a * exp(-b*-x), to fit my data.

Here is my code:

ff <- function(x,a,b){a * exp(-b*-x)}
fit2 <- nls(y ~ ff(x,a,b) , data = newdat, start =c(a=107.4623,b=-0.0037)

The graph below is mydata with the exponential fit (prediction of fit2) in purple curve. The green curve is what I though it would be, it is Smooth.splines fit.
enter image description here

Result from fit2:

Nonlinear regression model
  model: dif2 ~ ff(age, a, b)
   data: newdat
         a          b 
109.743680  -0.003793 
 residual sum-of-squares: 2585

Number of iterations to convergence: 2 
Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.446e-06

enter image description here
Here is my data:

   ID  x   y
    1 18 106.47
    1 19 100.35
    1 20 97.4
    1 21 101.03
    1 22 100.3
    1 23 99.06
    1 24 100.81
    2 18 101.95
    2 19 100.69
    2 20 100.89
    3 14 105.87
    3 15 107.44
    3 16 103.05
    3 17 104.86
    3 18 101.86
    3 19 101.48
    3 20 102.77
    3 21 99.63
    3 22 100.21
    3 23 101.28
    3 24 98.77
    3 25 99.91
    4 17 102.42
    4 18 101.85
    4 19 101.31
    5 18 101.24
    5 19 102.27
    5 20 100.03
    5 21 101.53
    6 20 98.08
    6 21 101.2
    6 22 103.16
    6 23 98.3
    6 24 102.21
    6 25 100.18
    6 27 95.28
    6 28 102.05
    6 29 100.72
    6 30 101.4
    7 13 111.3
    7 14 106.55
    7 15 103.23
    7 16 102.31
    7 17 101.11
    7 18 101.52
    7 19 100.14
    8 18 101.05
    8 19 98.15
    8 20 100.55
    8 21 101.62
    8 22 101.04
    8 23 98.22
    9 18 102.87
    9 19 101.46
    9 20 101.07
    9 21 101.32
    10 20 101.93
    10 21 101.73
    10 22 100.24
    11 19 99.75
    11 20 101.35
    11 21 99.34
    11 22 100.12
    12 18 103.34
    12 19 109.52
    12 20 106.98
    12 21 105.21
    12 22 98.87
    12 23 103.81
    12 24 100.38
    12 25 100.12
    12 26 99.7
    12 27 101.16
    12 28 99.02
    12 29 100.15
    12 30 97.32
    13 13 116.43
    13 14 111.75
    13 15 107.42
    13 16 103.5
    13 17 103.37
    13 18 100.66
    13 19 100.73
    13 20 100.84
    13 21 100.05
    14 18 101.66
    14 19 99.9
    14 20 101.4
    14 21 99.86
    14 22 100.82
    15 15 101.27
    15 16 100.01
    15 17 104.27
    16 19 100.26
    16 20 104.13
    17 18 106.12
    18 21 101.18
    18 22 99.51
    18 23 100.59
    19 18 100
    19 19 100.81
    19 20 99.37
    19 21 102.6
    20 22 102.18
    20 23 104.5
    20 24 100.74
    21 22 103.74
    21 23 98.66
    21 24 100.65
    21 25 99.63
    22 24 102.59
    22 25 94.62
    22 26 103.85
    23 20 100.7
    23 21 101.38
    23 22 102.36
    23 23 99.56
    23 24 100
    24 18 101.16
    24 19 99.64
    25 21 96.9
    25 22 109.3
    25 23 101.4
    25 24 98.04
    25 25 99.28
    25 26 99.63
    25 27 101.29
    25 28 100.08
    26 14 109
    26 15 112.37
    26 16 102.4
    26 17 102.15
    26 18 100.82
    27 18 101.14
    27 19 101.38
    28 17 105.09
    28 18 101.74
    28 19 100.2
    29 19 102.11
    29 20 100.57
    29 21 100.91
    29 22 99.61
    29 23 99.99
    30 18 99.81
    30 19 102.07
    31 19 100.75
    31 21 95.43
    32 23 99.73
    32 24 100.8
    32 25 100.1
    32 26 100.88
    32 27 97.73
    32 28 100.36
    33 22 99.4
    33 24 101.46
    33 18 97.65
    33 25 102.75
    33 26 97.7
    33 27 100.67
    34 21 98.27
    34 22 100.42
    34 23 101.16
    34 24 100.13
    34 25 98.55
    35 17 107.46
    35 18 100.22
    35 19 102.03
    35 20 101.52
    35 21 102.05
    35 22 102.46
    35 23 101.56
    35 24 96.88
    35 25 98.97
    35 26 101.68
    35 28 94.12
    36 20 98.63
    36 21 101.59
    36 22 98.76
    37 19 101.9
    37 20 98.66
    37 21 100.19
    37 22 100.03
    37 23 99.97
    38 15 104.32
    38 16 102.98
    38 17 103.4
    38 18 102.78
    38 19 101.73
    38 20 95.57
    39 22 101.5
    39 23 98.37
    39 24 100.4
    39 25 100.79
    40 19 102.93
    40 20 100.88
    40 21 99
    40 22 99.66
    41 21 107.08
    41 22 93.08
    41 24 100.91
    41 25 107.24
    41 26 99.8
    42 14 109.82
    42 15 106.09
    42 16 106.32
    42 17 102.8
    42 18 100.21
    42 19 102.08
    42 21 99.22
    42 22 100.13
    42 23 101.63
    43 16 100.95
    43 17 100.6
    43 18 101.81
    43 19 102.78
    43 20 98.43
    43 23 101.4
    43 24 103.12
    43 25 99.31
    43 26 100.47
    43 27 99.67
    43 28 98.75
    43 29 95.68
    44 23 103.78
    44 24 100.38
    44 25 99.39
    44 26 100.87
    44 27 99.64
    44 28 98.39
    44 29 97.62
    45 18 100.47
    45 19 101.41
    45 20 99.33
    45 21 101.08
    45 22 100.08
    45 23 100.22
    45 24 99.67
    45 25 100.45
    45 26 102.4
    45 27 95.7
    46 20 101.35
    46 21 98.73
    46 22 109.29
    46 23 100.04
    46 24 95.74
    46 25 100.44
    46 26 98.72
    47 19 100.51
    47 20 99.88
    47 21 101.7
    47 22 101.94
    47 23 100.72
    47 24 98.73
    47 25 102.16
    47 26 100.25
    47 27 95.1
    47 28 103.08
    48 25 105.21
    48 26 100.48
    48 27 98.07
    48 28 99.88
    48 29 95.61
    49 16 111.35
    49 17 92.43
    49 18 112.04
    49 19 100.8
    49 20 95.36
    49 21 103.13
    49 22 102.16
    49 23 98.81
    49 25 98.86
    49 26 99.93
    49 27 95.26
    50 23 98.15
    50 24 105.93
    50 25 99.01
    50 26 99.34
    50 27 93.68
    50 28 105.35
    51 24 100.96
    51 25 100.53
    51 26 99.2
    51 27 100.52
    51 28 100.86
    52 25 101.38
    52 26 98.45
    52 27 100.32
    52 28 99.24
    52 29 102.74
    53 24 101.37
    53 25 99.75
    53 27 96.31
    53 28 100.67
    54 22 98.09
    54 23 100.55
    54 24 100.25
    54 25 101.54
    54 26 98.48
    54 27 102.76
    54 28 98.5
    54 30 99.85
    55 22 103.87
    55 23 94.37
    55 24 105.12
    56 18 101.23
    56 19 99.26
    56 20 102.63
    56 21 100.75
    56 23 101.5
    56 24 99.14
    56 27 95.11
    57 16 107.57
    57 17 101.75
    57 18 107.18
    57 19 100.23
    57 20 105.48
    57 21 103.1
    57 22 100.45
    57 23 99.28
    57 24 100.52
    57 25 98.69
    58 27 103.13
    58 28 97.86
    58 29 101.33
    58 30 98.33
    58 32 102.14
    58 34 94.47
    58 35 98.29
    59 19 97.6
    59 20 98.93
    59 22 101.35
    59 23 93.88
    60 20 99.62
    60 22 97.36
    60 23 102.94
    60 24 98.98
    60 25 99.47
    61 18 100.15
    61 19 101.92
    61 20 101.34
    61 21 98.87
    61 22 97.68
    61 23 99.92
    61 24 100.78
    61 25 98.21
    62 20 102.7
    62 21 99.7
    62 22 100.17
    62 23 99.62
    62 24 100.59

Best Answer

I can't say precisely why your loess fit differs from the exponential fit -- that's more less "because it does, because they're different" -- but the reason that your exponential fit looks so linear, and why it looks so different from your plotted function, is that over the range of the data it is very close to linear. The parameter is -0.0037, the range of the data is about delta-x=20, so the curve only falls by about 7%. For this range, the expansion $\exp(bx) = 1+bx + O((bx)^2)$ works pretty well.

Update: your original (slightly mangled) nls fit was $y=a \exp(bx)+d$, i.e. there was an additive term. This makes all the difference:

dd <- read.table("expreg.dat",header=TRUE)
m0 <- nls(y~a*exp(b*x),dd,
##             a             b 
## 109.743701855  -0.003793346 

m1 <- nls(y~a*exp(b*x)+d,dd,
##            a            b            d 
## 1401.8573693   -0.3599526   99.7863827 

For what it's worth, you can fit the model without the additive term using glm(...,family=gaussian(link="log")), which is convenient for incorporating in ggplots.

dd$pred <- predict(m1)
library("ggplot2"); theme_set(theme_bw())
g0 <- ggplot(dd,aes(x,y))+geom_point(aes(colour=factor(ID)))+
g2 <- g0 + geom_line(aes(y=pred),colour="red")

enter image description here

Now plot over a wider range:

g1 <- g0 + expand_limits(x=c(0,240),y=c(0,120))+

enter image description here