Solved – Generating visually appealing density heat maps in R

data visualizationrspatial

While I know that there are a series of functions for generating heat maps in R, the problem is that I'm unable to produce visually appealing maps. For example, the images below are good examples of heat maps I want to avoid. The first clearly lacks detail, while the other one (based on the same points) is too detailed to be useful. Both plots have been generated by the density() function in the spatstat R package.

How can I get more "flow" into my plots? What I'm aiming for is more of the look the results of the commercial SpatialKey (screenshot) software is able to produce.

Any hints, algorithms, packages or lines of code that could take me in this direction?

enter image description here

Best Answer

There are two things that will impact the smoothness of the plot, the bandwidth used for your kernel density estimate and the breaks you assign colors to in the plot.

In my experience, for exploratory analysis I just adjust the bandwidth until I get a useful plot. Demonstration below.

X <- rpoispp(10)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(density(X, 1))
plot(density(X, 0.1))
plot(density(X, 0.05))
plot(density(X, 0.01))

enter image description here

Simply changing the default color scheme won't help any, nor will changing the resolution of the pixels (if anything the default resolution is too precise, and you should reduce the resolution and make the pixels larger). Although you may want to change the default color scheme for aesthetic purposes, it is intended to be highly discriminating.

Things you can do to help the color are change the scale level to logarithms (will really only help if you have a very inhomogenous process), change the color palette to vary more at the lower end (bias in terms of the color ramp specification in R), or adjust the legend to have discrete bins instead of continuous.

Examples of bias in the legend adapted from here, and I have another post on the GIS site explaining coloring the discrete bins in a pretty simple example here. These won't help though if the pattern is over or under smoothed though to begin with.

Z <- density(X, 0.1)
logZ <-
bias_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "magenta", "red", "yellow", "white"), bias=2, space="Lab")
norm_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red"))
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(Z, col=bias_palette(256))
plot(Z, col=norm_palette(5))

enter image description here

To make the colors transparent in the last image (where the first color bin is white) one can just generate the color ramp and then replace the RGB specification with transparent colors. Example below using the same data as above.

X <- rpoispp(10)
Z <- density(X, 0.1)
A <- rpoispp(100) #points other places than density

norm_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white","red"))
pal_opaque <- norm_palette(5)
pal_trans <- norm_palette(5)
pal_trans[1] <- "#FFFFFF00" #was originally "#FFFFFF" 

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(A, Main = "Opaque Density")
plot(Z, add=T, col = pal_opaque)
plot(A, Main = "Transparent Density")
plot(Z, add=T, col = pal_trans)

pal_trans2 <- paste(pal_opaque,"50",sep = "")
plot(A, Main = "All slightly transparent")
plot(Z, add=T, col = pal_trans2)

enter image description here