Solved – Generating the ROC curve for ensemble Classifier

classificationensemble learningroc

I have 3 classifier models namely Logistic Regression, Linear-SVM, Decision Trees as an ensemble technique. I am using majority voting as the classifier combination method for prediction. But when I try to calculate area under ROC curve in R, the function roc needs response and predicted probabilities(score). The predicted class labels can be calculated by majority voting technique but how to calculate the score and thus calculate area under roc curve and generate roc curve?

Best Answer

Yes, you need score-type output to compute a receiver-operating-curve. With fixed cutoff, you just get a single point.

However, with an aggregated model, you can use the individual votes as score. I.e. if you aggregate the votes of $n$ classifiers, they form a score ranging from 0 positive to $n$ positive votes in the prediction.

For the aggregated prediction of 3 models, the ROC will only have few points corresponding to the at most $n + 1$ different predicted scores you observe, but that is still a valid ROC.