Solved – Generating random samples from a given distribution


What are the different methods by which we can generate random samples from the existing distribution which are computationally efficient?

One of the common methods given in statistics text is by applying a transformation called the inversion method. We start with a Uniform(0,1) distribution from which we can pick an arbitrary number, and then use the inverse of the CDF of the distribution (its quantile function) to find the member of the desired distribution corresponding to the randomly chosen number between 0 and 1.

What other methods exist for doing the same?

Best Answer

Other methods include accept-reject methods and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Note that the method described in the question is part of the so-called inverse transformation methods. There exists other ad-hoc simulation methods for specific distributions (e.g., the Box-Muller transform for univariate normal distribution).