Solved – Generating multivariate random vectors Excel

excelmultivariate distribution

I want generate a m=8 numbers of n-dimensional vectors, each being multivariate normal with variance $\sigma_m^2$.

There is an excel macro for this, at

Putting a =normsinv(rand()) in each cell, and then scaling these values to get the correct stdev is not the same thing is it?

Best Answer

That depends. You mentioned that you want each coordinate of each multivariate normal variate to have a certain variance, namely $σ^2_m$, but you didn't say anything about the covariance between the coordinates.

  • If you want the coordinates to be uncorrelated (i.e., the covariance matrix is a diagonal matrix), then the method you described, which means drawing from a univariate normal distribution one at at time, is indeed the same as drawing from a multivariate normal distribution. (Why? Because if two random variables are multivariate normally distributed and uncorrelated, then they're independent.)
  • But if at least one pair of coordinates should have nonzero covariance, then the method you described can't account for this covariance.