Solved – Generating and Working with Random Vectors in R

linear algebrarrandom variablerandom-generation

I've been trying to understand random vectors and generate them in R to reproduce properties. Recently, I asked a similar question, and it was rightfully placed on-hold for being too general. Thanks to the excellent video: I've been able to get some results as follows:

Narrowing down the task to the normal bivariate case, where each component, $X_i$ of the random vector $\textbf{V}= \begin{bmatrix}X_1, X_2\end{bmatrix}^{T}$ follows a $N(\mu_i,\sigma_i^2)$ marginal probability distribution, with a joint probability distribution given by the pdf:
$f(V)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi|C|}}\,e^{-\frac{1}{2}[V – \mu]^{T} C^{-1}[V – \mu]}$, in which $C$ is a covariance matrix decided upon a priori, and singular value decomposed into, $C=U\Sigma U^{T}$, where $U$ is the matrix of eigenvectors, and $\Sigma$ the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues, we can obtain random vectors starting off with standard normal random samples.

Establishing $C$ for example as:

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   20    8
[2,]    8   20

and $\mu$ as c(3, -5), and starting with the random vector $N(0,I)$ simulated by two random samples of $10^5$ observations of the standard normal:

vec1 <- rnorm(1e5)
vec2 <- rnorm(1e5)
Sv <- rbind(v1,v2) # Sv ~ "standard random vector"

the desired simulated random vector can be obtained utilizing the identities:

$C=U\Sigma U^{T}=C=(U\Sigma^{1/2})( \Sigma^{1/2}U^{T}) =AA^{T}$, and

$V = A S_{v}+\mu$.

The initial multiplication $\Sigma^{1/2}S_{v}$ results in stretching of the bivariate standard distribution, followed by a rotation caused by $U$ in $U\Sigma^{1/2}S_{v}$, and ending in a translation as a result of the addition of $\mu$. Graphically:


Ultimately we end up with a large matrix of $2$ x $10^5$ elements and $1.5Mb$, representing the random vector. This $2$ x $100,000$ matrix corresponds to $\textbf{V}= \begin{bmatrix}X_1, X_2\end{bmatrix}^{T}$ with the first row being $X_1$ ~ $N(3,20)$ and the second, $X_2$ ~ $N(-5, 20)$.

Evidently a cumbersome process just to generate one single realization of the sample space of $\textbf{V}$ in the minimalistic setting of only two variables.

So the question is whether there is an easier way to recreate random vectors in R (with this particular joint distribution, or in general) that is less unwieldy?

EDIT: As reflected below, the computation time is not an issue, unless you intercalate plotting code as I did. I have, hence, erased the parts of the initial post that made reference to time.

Best Answer

The mvtnorm package in R has the rmvnorm function (analogous to rnorm) that produces arbitrary-dimensional Gaussian random variables. It also provides the option to use three different algorithms. A quick comparison using your exact setup:

sigma <- matrix(c(20, 8, 8, 20), 2)
mu <- c(3, -5)
microbenchmark(v1 <- rmvnorm(1e5, mu, sigma, "eigen"),
               v2 <- rmvnorm(1e5, mu, sigma, "svd"),
               v3 <- rmvnorm(1e5, mu, sigma, "chol"))
# Unit: milliseconds
#                                      expr      min       lq     mean   median
#  v1 <- rmvnorm(1e+05, mu, sigma, "eigen") 19.95751 21.31730 28.14967 21.57772
#    v2 <- rmvnorm(1e+05, mu, sigma, "svd") 19.98124 21.29868 30.23727 21.74448
#   v3 <- rmvnorm(1e+05, mu, sigma, "chol") 19.92971 21.31440 32.01633 21.77176
#        uq      max neval cld
#  22.84293 91.37796   100   a
#  23.23654 89.43729   100   a
#  24.03474 91.22031   100   a

The timings are all about the same, and they're all pretty darn fast. If you need to generate these simulations in significantly less time than that, you'll have to look for a solution in C++ (to interface with Rcpp), C, or Fortran.

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