Time Series – How to Generate Two Correlated ARMA(1,1) Processes

arimarandom-generationtime series

How can I generate two correlated ARMA(1,1) data series where



and $\rho_{12}$ is desired correlation between $e_1$ and $e_2$?

Best Answer

The following R code will do what you want. I have used $\rho_{12}=0.5$, $\mu=10$, $\phi_1=0.2$, $\phi_2=0.8$, $\theta_1=0.3$, $\theta_2=-0.7$ and I have assumed that the errors have mean zero and variance 1.

rho <- 0.5
mu <- c(10,10)
phi <- c(0.2,0.8)
theta <- c(0.3,-0.7)
d <- ts(matrix(0,ncol=2,nrow=50))
e <- ts(rmvnorm(50,sigma=cbind(c(1,rho),c(rho,1))))
for(i in 2:50)
  d[i,] <- mu + phi*d[i-1,] - theta*(e[i-1,]+e[i,])
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